Grand Theft Auto VI (6) Trailer 

I tend to agree with the fans who are losing hope that today, October 26, would see the release of the Grand Theft Auto VI trailer.

Grand Theft Auto fans are giddy with anticipation because of Rockstar Games’ history of releasing game announcements on social media and their website at random.

Since Red Dead Redemption 2 and Grand Theft Auto V were both shown on the same day in October, many people assume Grand Theft Auto VI will follow suit. Actually, the corporation has been acting suspiciously, which could support the notion. For example, it threw out all of the Halloween content for GTA V Online at the start of the month, potentially making room for the announcement of the upcoming game.

On Reddit, a fan named aurum616 shared their worries, stating that they had “been keeping a keen eye on Rockstars website updates” and had seen multiple updates. They came to the unfortunate conclusion that “no one in their right mind would waste time making the RDR-style homepage perfect-looking by pixel peeping the font spacing” because of these adjustments, which had to do with “font spacing” for Red Dead Redemption adverts.

While several said they’d lowered their expectations anyway to not be too disappointed when nothing is revealed, some followers seemed inclined to agree. Some also used the occasion to make fun of how much debate and controversy a game’s unreleased reveal video had sparked.

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